1) I have not updated in over a week, and
2) it all runs together - thus I can barely think of things to share.
All that is certain is this: the Connecticutian Studies 101 hiatus is on hiatus. Starting now.
So we most recently had a tornado watch in Connecticut. Litchfield County (mine) was hit the hardest. Seventy mile per hour winds gusted over the state, damaging many a tree, house and the like. Power was out for over a day and almost all workplaces shut down due to said power loss - except Salisbury Bank. We have a 250amp generator. Yay. <----- saaaarcasm. and lots of it.
Also recently (and to much groaning and complaining and harrassing of/by your fellow readers about the following topic, I say "STIFLE yourselves!" And read the course description above, once again), I was awakened by three bees crawling/flying around me when I was lying on my bed. Not pleasant. So I flew out of bed, slapped two of them with my handy swatter and crushed the other between the shade and the window glass, to where it had flown...NO DOUBT in RETREAT. And his corpse now lies on my air conditioner - a COLD and bitter reminder (pun most assuredly intended) of the fierce battle that was fought. Hence, new standings for the Aitken v. Bees Epic Challenge 2008 are as follows:
Aitken - 23, Bees - 0.
Incidentally, it should be noted that the wasps have ceased and desisted. The yellow-jackets, however, are out in full force (the last three killed were yellow jackets - and it was their first sighting this year). Clearly, this elusive 'Queen' bee has rallied all species of bees to her cause - a failing cause at that.
Tomorrow, I am giving my one month's notice at St. Joseph's Church. Catholicsm is driving me crazy (again, more on this in a later post, as soon as I knowledgably skillfully prepare my thoughts.
I also got in to the Berkshire Choral Festival again! The concert this year? Orff's Carmina Burana and Beethoven's 9th symphony. Quite a 'warhorse' repertoire. Jonny Priano is joining me in the fun. Like other things this summer, it should prove to be epic.
I do not entertain the thoughts, comments, conjectures or postulates of readers too often, since...well, you're buffoons. But I will ask for your contributions now -
What suggestions might you have for things to bring to my cottage/college office, come August 16th?
Finally, a very Happy Birthday to Sir Aaron Gottier and Elizabeth "Ilyes" Ridley! My 24th birthday is Tuesday. I was reminded of this today in an unpleasant way - my driver's licence expires and I had to go to the Department of Motor Vehicles (aka Hell on Earth) to have it renewed.
And what did I see there? Yep, that's right. An endless parade of human debris.
Since you asked me to comment since I've been on my own for a year, I can certainly do this for you. You need to stock up on (root)beer, p(opc)orn, condom(ent)s, (Cool)whip, and (music) anal(ysis) diagrams. I know that you just rolled your eyes at that, but it took me a while to come up with all of those so take it in stride. But realistically, know that you won't read for entertainment much so don't pack too many non-school books. Make sure that you have lots of music and something on which to play it because when you live alone, you need that music to make you feel less alone. Don't buy too many non-standard food items unless you are planning a specific meal because you'll probably make the same 10 meals most of the time, for convenience and saving time. As weird as this sounds, buy extra underwear and socks and try to stretch doing laundry to every 2 or 3 weeks - my laundromat is $2 for a load of laundry and it gets expensive. Budget money for fast food on nights when you're working late and don't want to start making dinner at 8 p.m. And... ALWAYS have an extra roll of toilet paper - if not, you'll find yourself in a very messy situation one day... That is all for now.
Thank you :-)
I just got a good chuckle out of your "endless parade of human debris" and thought of the Grove City McDonald's...oh my. but yes, DMV--why is it that NO normal people EVER go there? ourselves excepted, of course. although i'm not so sure that we're normal...we're bizarre in a good way, i guess.
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