Actually, I never was...
...but I was in New York, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia, Kentucky, Indiana, Ohio and Pennsylvania - all over the course of 7 days and 6 nights. If any of you have ever considered going on a roadtrip, take my advice - as long as there are great friends involved, DO it. Details regarding said trip may be acquired as you inquire within.
The past month has been a whirlwind. I'm preparing to go to Houghton College soon (I move into my cottage in 10 days). The bank still exists, though my duties therein are now somewhat limited from what they used to be. Every little bit helps...
And Gramps turned 92 on August 1st...Joe Bro on August 5th. Vacations, parties, work, planning. As I said, whirlwind.
Before continuing, here are a couple items, not the slightest bit germane
1) The newly updated sound clip is Reingold Gliere's "Russian Sailor's Dance" from the Soviet ballet "The Red Poppy". It was the first Soviet ballet with a modern revolutionary theme. It is (sort of) a theme and variations - meaning that it begins with the main theme, in the cello section, and each subsequent portion of the song is an elaboration on said theme. Very rousing. I think you'll enjoy it.
2) Yep - that picture is me. Kindergarten. 1989. I recently discovered the picture, and believe me - I was just as amazed as you probably are.
Anyway, along with being estranged for a couple weeks, I have also found myself having greater and greater epiphanies of all sorts. Vague, I know - but I really have - about Jesus, family, friends, time, name a few. If I may elaborate further on but one of these - friends.
I have been so impressed and inspired by my body of friends. It is uncanny how much they have been in my thoughts and prayers lately. I miss many of them, though I stay in somewhat regular contact with all of them. And yet, I find myself wanting more. You see, friendships are key in life. Good and solid ones. Ones that edify Christ. Ones that better you as a person. I think people of this world too often think of Jesus as "a god" or "superior being" or "removed yet an authoritative master/leader". And He is all of these things. However, He is also the greatest friend you'll ever have. You aren't His servant. You can confide in Him, in good and bad times - in everything. His yoke is easy, His burden light.
As Caleb Vits put it to me (in recent conversation), 'a servant doesn't know his master's plans or thoughts. But Christians know God's/Jesus's plans.' Not down to the day-to-day plans of our individual lives (obviously since these plans are revealed to us at appropriate times, for our own good), but definitely the plans for our salvation in Him. It is something that can be simply described as "amazing. And this saving God is your friend.
I would encourage everyone to strive to see Christ through people - your friends to start. He is in them, for they are of Him. And I guarantee you that with these Christ-centered/emphasized friendships, you'll find that, (as far as earthly relationships, not of an intimate nature, between two people are concerned), there is none to equal.
And blessed are those who are saved/who help save others. You aren't in Kansas anymore, nor are you in your 'earthly' life.
You're in eternity. With the greatest friend you can possibly imagine - and then some.

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